Online plenary meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement UNESCO Chapter was held on 30 March 2021

The online plenary meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) UNESCO Chapter was held on March 30, 2021 under the Chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Elman Abdullayev, Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Azerbaijan to UNESCO. The Permanent Delegates of NAM Member States to UNESCO, representatives of the UNESCO Secretariat and the Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO Ms. Gabriela Ramos attended the meeting.
Ambassador Abdullayev briefed the meeting participants about the activities of the Azerbaijani Chairmanship of NAM with the aim to address COVID-19 pandemic-related challenges, including high-level online meetings, voluntary financial contribution to World Health Organization and activities concerning the adoption of the UN Human Rights Council Resolution on equitable access by all countries to vaccines against COVID-19.
ADG/SHS Ms. Ramos talked about the important role of NAM at the international arena, significance of intercultural dialogue for promoting peace and tolerance in the post-COVID world and the negative impact of pandemic on the escalation of racism and discrimination.
April 01 , 2021